Phillip W. Pool Talent
Representing the Finest in Literary Talent
The Influence of Women in Mutual Ascent

The Influence of Women in Mutual Ascent

Women standing together

Very few –if any– authors write a book without drawing from a well of their own personal experiences. I am no exception.

Although Mutual Ascent features Zenith DeClension as the hero of the story, his entire journey is shaped and influenced by the women in his life. It is their strengths and weaknesses that inspire him to develop his.

The Women Who Shape the Hero

It is the way that his mother, Cygnus, handled the loss of her husband and his father that would shape Zenith’s upbringing. Unable to connect with her, he struggles to connect with others.

It is his grandmother, Stella, whose unfailing optimism leads her to see all things working for the good that will eventually lead Zenith to become the man he chooses to be.

It is his sister, Columbae, and her struggles with anorexia that will break Zenith’s heart open enough that he will choose to dissent against the system and pit himself against the powers that be.

It is his mentor, Ethereal, who will give him the guidance he needs to understand the problems he’s created with his choices and, ultimately, how to fix them.

The Women Who Shaped Me

I can truly say that it is the women in my life that have had the greatest hand in shaping the man I’ve become. Many good men shaped the man I became, but circumstances were I grew up in a house of women. I admire each of them, even when I disagree with the choices they are making. I am far from perfect. Their strength is what inspires me to stand up for them and to speak up when silence would be easier, or ignorance a welcome relief.

It is the good women in my life who have inspired my decision to Dissent from the current structure of society, a society that encourages people to focus on the superficial rather than on weaving genuine connections that can build someone up and strengthen them. All the above-mentioned good people helped teach me that if I spoke from the heart it would resonate.

They are the reason I formed the Dissenters community as a way of giving a voice to those who feel voiceless and a space for those who know we can do better to discuss how to start changing things.

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