Phillip W. Pool Talent
Representing the Finest in Literary Talent
John R. Kyle

John R. Kyle

Author John R. Kyle was born into a wealthy family and educated at the finest schools. During his teen years, he struggled with depression despite the material and intellectual abundance offered to him. His experiments with drugs, alcohol, and society’s high life did nothing to alleviate his internal dissatisfaction.

A Quest for Answers

Eventually, he had an epiphany where he realized that although his material and intellectual needs were being met with abundance, his social and emotional needs were being neglected and ignored. This led him on a quest to restore the balance in his life between the material and intellectual needs and the social and emotional needs. During his quest, he was provided many opportunities to experience life at all levels of the social spectrum, including homelessness and poverty.

A Common Problem

He noticed that the problems caused by this imbalance were not his alone. Nearly everyone he met was experiencing them regardless of social status or political leaning. It seemed endemic to the social and political environment.

A Novel Solution

Inspired by his own experiences along with influences of Aldous Huxley’s Brave New World and Carroll Lewis’s Alice in Wonderland, Kyle seeks to explore the long-term consequences of this imbalance, the prevailing wisdom about the causes and the answers to it, and the solutions he found in his quest. His decision to publish now stems from his observations of the growing number of financial elites seeking to use technology to control the masses.

A Call to Dissent

It is his intention to use his work as a call to those who wish to retain their freedoms and their rights to join together for the Mutual Ascent of all. This is a rallying cry for those who wish to join him in taking a stand, not with violence or a show of force, but by uniting in brotherly love to resist social, emotional, and economic tyranny.

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